Have you ever wondered what makes a particular totem patio heater so popular? Surely the rest of them can’t compete with its stylish appearance. Surely there is no one else on the market that can match its great design and unique look.
It has become a very famous name in the market, but the totem patio heater isn’t that difficult to understand. The design is quite interesting, but nothing more. You can install this heater in your garden or patio where there are plenty of elements and light which means you will have all the space you need for entertainment.
But how does the totem patio heater works? It uses a high energy heating element which acts as the base of the entire unit. What happens here is that an electrical current is sent through the coil, generating heat. Once the heat has been generated, the first thing that goes through the coil is a hot air to eliminate any need for additional air to be introduced.
Once the coil is filled up with the hot air, it creates a vacuum and then leaves the first heating element. This is done so that there will be no strain on the heater and therefore there will be less energy consumption. The maximum energy consumption comes from the insulation materials used and some people prefer them, but many people dislike them. This particular design can be equipped with some vents to help with that.
In addition to the above, the totem patio heater also comes with insulation to protect against any excess of heat that would harm the unit during outdoor heating. It also protects the heater from the exterior elements, such as snow and wind.
Now that you know how the heat works, you might be interested in a device called a thermostat. This thermostat senses the temperature of the air inside the house, and then sends the signal to the heater tobegin heating or cooling, accordingly.
In conclusion, the totem patio heater is very popular because of its charm, stylish design and flexibility. You will not find anything similar in the market. So if you are someone who wants a patio heater with the appeal of a rocking chair and the added function of heating and cooling, then this is the model for you.